Unlocking Deeper Connection

The Transformative Power of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy for Couples

“Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.”

― Erica Jong, Fear of Flying

Over the past few years, you’ve likely heard that the United States is facing a significant mental health crisis. Individuals are reporting increasing rates of depression, loneliness, anxiety, and suicide. COVID-19 greatly exacerbated these issues. A survey conducted during the pandemic found that 41% of U.S. adults experienced high levels of psychological distress, with young adults (ages 18-29) being particularly affected at a rate of 58%. These alarming trends continue to rise, negatively impacting not only those suffering but also straining relationships with family, friends, and partners.

The American Psychological Association has consistently reported that approximately 40-50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce. This statistic has remained relatively stable over the past few decades, highlighting a persistent trend in marital dissolution.

Delving deeper into the reasons behind these failed marriages, several key factors emerge as common contributors. A significant number of divorces are attributed to a lack of commitment between partners. This often manifests as a gradual disengagement from the relationship, where one or both partners may become indifferent or uninvested in maintaining the marriage.

Another prevalent cause is constant arguing and conflict. Persistent disagreements and unresolved issues can create a toxic environment, making it difficult for couples to sustain a healthy and harmonious relationship. These ongoing conflicts often erode the emotional connection and trust between partners.

Infidelity is another major factor, with many marriages ending due to the betrayal of trust that accompanies an affair. The emotional and psychological impact of infidelity can be devastating, often leading to irreparable damage in the relationship.

Financial issues also play a critical role in marital breakdowns. Disagreements over money management, financial stress, and economic hardships can strain a marriage to the breaking point. Financial problems can exacerbate other issues, contributing to an overall sense of instability and dissatisfaction within the relationship.

Lastly, domestic violence is a grave and urgent cause of divorce. The presence of abuse in any form—physical, emotional, or psychological—creates an unsafe environment, prompting victims to seek separation for their safety and well-being.

These factors collectively underscore the complex and multifaceted nature of marital breakdowns, emphasizing the need for effective communication, mutual respect, and a strong commitment to navigating challenges together in a marriage.

Many couples seek guidance from professionals, which can be incredibly beneficial. However, traditional talk therapy and couples therapy are not always sufficient for everyone. Recent research suggests that ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for couples may be a valuable intervention for those who have not found success with conventional therapies. Many couples have reported significant improvements and positive results from this innovative approach.

What is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?

Ketamine is a medication primarily known for its use as an anesthetic in medical settings, but it has also gained attention for its potential in treating mental health conditions. Initially developed in the 1960s, ketamine works by blocking the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in the brain, which is involved in pain transmission and mood regulation. Unlike traditional antidepressants that can take weeks to show effects, ketamine has been shown to produce rapid antidepressant effects, often within hours, making it a promising option for those with treatment-resistant depression. It has also been explored for its efficacy in reducing symptoms of anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mood disorders.

When used in conjunction with psychotherapy, ketamine can enhance the therapeutic process by creating a state of dissociation, allowing individuals to access and process emotions and memories that may be difficult to confront under normal circumstances. This dissociative state can help break down psychological defenses, making patients more receptive to therapeutic interventions. Additionally, the rapid mood improvements seen with ketamine can provide a critical window of opportunity for psychotherapists to engage patients in deeper, more meaningful therapeutic work. Studies have shown that combining ketamine with psychotherapy can lead to sustained improvements in mental health, offering a powerful tool for couples who have not found success with traditional therapy alone​.

Breaking Down the Barriers

We all have important relationships in our lives, and it’s often said that effective communication is the key to maintaining a healthy relationship. However, many of us may not be as skilled in communication as we think. When couples fail to communicate openly and honestly, misunderstandings and conflicts can arise, leading to feelings of frustration, resentment, and emotional distance. Issues such as not listening to each other, avoiding difficult conversations, and failing to express needs and feelings can significantly undermine a relationship.

This is where ketamine-assisted psychotherapy can be beneficial. By enhancing emotional openness, reducing psychological defenses, improving mood, and facilitating new perspectives, this innovative approach can help couples address and resolve their issues more effectively. Ketamine can create a safe space for partners to share their deepest emotions and thoughts, paving the way for more meaningful and constructive communication.

A study published in the Journal of Psychedelic Studies found that couples who received a “relational dose” of ketamine in combination with Imago Relationship Therapy experienced significant positive changes. These included increased empathy, positive emotional shifts, improved mood, reduced fear during and after sessions, and overall lowered psychological defenses. Participants in the study described ketamine as a "conversational lubricant," which helped them engage more easily with their partners and facilitated more productive dialogue. This enhanced ability to communicate openly and effectively contributed to a deeper connection and better resolution of relationship issues.

ALT.’s Chief Clinical Director, Austin Beck, PhD, LMFT, has over a decade of experience working with couples and has witnessed firsthand the benefits of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. “Feeling understood is like emotional oxygen for a relationship. When understanding and compassion are abundant, partners no longer worry about being misunderstood or misinterpreted. This creates a safer space to explore their identities and share with each other, leading to greater intimacy and connection," says Dr. Beck.

Dr. Richard Schwartz, the developer of Internal Family Systems (IFS), has emphasized that ketamine can help individuals lower their defenses and access "self energy" and the wounds that need healing for relationships to thrive. With ketamine-assisted couples therapy, we can help partners truly see each other, creating opportunities for meaningful repair and bonding essential for the relationship’s success. When partners hold space for each other, understand the impact of their actions, and shift out of harmful patterns, it fills couples with hope for their future together. "Doing this type of work has led to some of my most satisfying experiences as a therapist," Dr. Beck concludes.

Logistics and Safety of KAP

The use of ketamine in combination with psychotherapy is legal when administered under the supervision of licensed medical professionals. Ketamine is a Schedule III drug approved by the FDA for anesthetic use and, more recently, for treatment-resistant depression. In a clinical setting, ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) involves carefully controlled dosing protocols tailored to the patient's needs. Typically, a "relational dose" is used to facilitate therapy sessions, which is lower than the dose used for anesthesia. The protocol generally includes an initial assessment followed by a series of sessions where ketamine is administered intramuscularly or by lozenges under the guidance of a trained therapist.

Safety is a paramount concern in KAP, and sessions are conducted in a controlled environment to monitor and manage any adverse effects. Common side effects of ketamine can include nausea, dizziness, dissociation, and increased blood pressure, which are usually temporary and subside shortly after the session. To mitigate these risks, patients are carefully screened beforehand, and medical professionals are present to provide support. The recommended course of treatment typically involves a series of sessions, often around 6 to 10, spread out over several weeks. This allows for the cumulative benefits of ketamine to build while providing ongoing therapeutic support.

Is Couples Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Right For Me?

Couples ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is particularly appropriate for couples who have not found success with traditional forms of therapy and are dealing with significant emotional barriers or persistent relational issues. This therapeutic approach is suitable for couples experiencing chronic communication problems, deep-seated resentments, or unresolved trauma that affects their relationship dynamics. It is also beneficial for couples where one or both partners suffer from treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other mental health conditions that hinder emotional intimacy and connection.

Before starting KAP, both partners undergo a thorough screening process and medical evaluation to ensure they are medically fit for ketamine treatment and to assess their suitability for this intensive therapeutic approach. It is important to note that KAP should be conducted under the guidance of licensed and experienced professionals to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Couples Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy at ALT.

At ALT., we are deeply committed to the safety and well-being of our clients, ensuring that every treatment plan is tailored to meet the unique needs of each couple. Our dedication to individualized care means that we carefully assess and monitor each participant throughout their ketamine-assisted psychotherapy journey. We strive to help couples find deeper connection and cohesion in their relationships, leveraging the transformative power of ketamine to break down barriers and foster meaningful communication. If you are interested in learning more about how ketamine-assisted psychotherapy can benefit your relationship, please call us at 800-562-9563 or email us at info@alttherapy.com. We are here to support you every step of the way.


Preparing for the Journey.